How do soil microbes affect soil health and nutrient availability?

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SSSA- Soils Sustain Life It all starts with a small seed. But it's the soil that supports new life. It provides all requirements for germination and physical support to the new life.

Credit: Asim Biswas

Soil is essential to life. That’s why we hear more every day about the microbes that inhabit soil. What many don’t realize, however, is that those microbes are related to the emerging field of “soil health.” Microbes also affect how soils are tested in laboratories. This topic has captured the attention of farmers, scientists and politicians…even becoming a focus for 2015’s “International Year of Soils.” Click here to learn more about this article by Will Brinton.

Then click here to learn about Monty’s Liquid Carbon and soil health![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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