Humics: Putting Science on Your Side to Improve Soils and Maximize Yields

The drought of last year and other adverse conditions left many fields with soil that was dry, compacted and unmanageable for the 2013 growing season. While it can take time to correct those issues, some Illinois farmers have had quick success using Monty’s Liquid Humic, a humic-based soil conditioner.

First, a little science lesson: Humic substances can be broken down into humic acid and fulvic acid. Humic acid is a principal component of humic substances, and humic substances are the major organic constituents of soil (humus). Humic acid is produced when dead organic matter biodegrades, which happens in nature.

Active humics have a high function for plant growth and water use. They encourage soil and plant metabolism, according to Mir Seyedbagheri, a professor at the University of Idaho and former co-chair of the International Humic Society.

Humics assist in transferring micronutrients from the soil to the plant. Monty’s Liquid Humic uses a proprietary humic technology to make a product that is active and goes to work in the soil. Monty’s humic products are designed with the ideal humic to fulvic ratio to maximize biological stimulation and encourage maximum yield and success.

Learn more about Humics here.

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