Monty’s June Agronomy Report

We are still in high gear from the bottom of Tennessee and northward, across the corn belt, and beyond – including the northwest states. I can’t remember a spring planting season quite like this one. It will be one for the record books, as farmers are making decision (and changes) almost weekly. The commodity markets are suggesting that corn, wheat, and bean prices for future contracting are going higher, which doesn’t help if you do not have crops to sell. Farmers are weighing all of their options… “Do I plant regardless of time of season, or decide to not plant at all?”
Crops that have been planted are struggling to get a root system established. Remember it is the soil’s biology that does the work of converting fertilizer into plant food for the root system to take up.  Since the soils in such a large area of the country have been saturated, the biology has lacked oxygen and became anaerobic instead of normal season aerobic conditions. This would allow the soil biology to perform what it normally does; establishing the root system on all crops. That is one of the reasons we are seeing pale color on growing corn or soybeans including lack of photosynthesis with all the cloudy days we have been under. We have already heard form several farmers that spraying Monty’s Midnight on the early corn made a big difference in just 3 days. The Monty’s team knows that farmers are going to need all the help they can get. Many stores will face challenges providing fertilizer, chemicals, and insecticides in a timely manner. There will be shortages of seed and fertilizer because of the rivers running high and barge traffic is not allowed to continue to ports to unload. And they will struggle to keep up with the breaks in the weather and the fast planting that will occur when the ground dries. There will be nutrient deficiencies showing up very early (remember the soil biology has not recovered from the anaerobic conditions yet). We will see many insect problems occurring. During a recent dig in the field of corn under a V3 growth stage, we found a wire worm, seed corn maggot, snails and slugs. The cool wet soil conditions have given the insects this advantage and they are working hard!  The seed treatment along with the in-furrow insecticide treatment got diluted, with all the rain fall, to the point it is not suppressing the insects.    
Foliar feeding the crop will help prevent, as well as help recover from, many nutrient deficiencies as well as stress from too much water and lack of sunlight. Tissue sampling is more important than ever this season. Using Monty’s AgXact program will allow growers to see within days the nutrient deficiencies that need to be addressed. Weed and feed is another smart thing to consider. Monty’s has a vast arsenal of products that allow the plant to immediately take in the nutrients necessary for stress relief and nutrient deficiency. And they may be added to herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides as farmers are treating the fields. One of the best products is Nauxin, a micronutrient package including potash and sugar providing nutrients and energy – and it can be applied with Dicamba. Another product growers need to consider is K28, an EDTA form of potash to help production. Agri-N is a 26% sugar with a 14% nitrogen component that provides quick energy and green-up. If growers are low in phosphorus, then look at Premium Blend, a 6-24-6 ortho food grade product with sulfur, zinc, and humics which can quickly be taken in by the plant.TIMING IS EVERYTHING, DON’T MISS A CHANCE TO FEED AS YOU GO OVER YOUR FIELD!
This will be a critical month to watch and nurture crops off to a great start, Monty’s has the products necessary to meet the challenges of this incredible season. Then as we reach V5 and V6 it is critical to feed the crop to maximize yield. It can also make a big difference at V8 to V10. These two stages are most important to producing kernels around the cob and kernels long on the cob as well as test weight in the kernel. For more information, contact your representative or call 800-978.6342.

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